Coupons Are the Best/Alicia is My Hero
Another guest post by my gorgeous wife.
So, a few years back my friend Alicia kept posting pictures of big piles of stuff that she got for $2 and crazy amounts like that. It kinda gave me the bug to start couponing. I have always thought it was a good idea, but I never really realized how much you could save if you do it right. Alicia emailed everyone interested some tips, websites, etc. to get started couponing.
I had been an occasional coupon user before, but once I really got started I was mad at myself for not having started sooner. I save about 30% to 50% every grocery trip… there are even some times I have saved up to 70%+. This is even with not planning thoroughly each time! Imagine what I could do if I really focus and use all of the resources available!
We are doing our Dave Ramsey baby steps and trying to cut where we can and trying to get “gazelle intense” about getting out of debt. Since I am working VERY few hours now that Willow is here, it is part of my job as homemaker to make every dollar of Trey’s paycheck count. My goal is to cut our grocery budget by 1/3 to 1/2 of what it is now.
Yes, it can definitely be time consuming sometimes, but it is worth how much you can save that hard earned money!
I am going to share a few tips from my limited coupon knowledge:
1. If your grocery store has different “clubs” that will give you coupons, sign up! Most of our savings comes from baby club coupons at Publix and Winn Dixie.
2. Even if you only print coupons or buy papers for them, match your coupons up with current deals. You can do this yourself or use websites like or
3. Find out the coupon policies for the places you shop at most.
4. Just do it already! You know you wanna
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